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4 Surprising, Worthwhile Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

October 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — carlsondental @ 12:32 am
a patient smiling and receiving sedation dentistry

For many, a trip to the dentist’s office can evoke feelings of anxiety and apprehension. In fact, some people are so reluctant to see the dentist that they put it off—even when they’re in great pain! But there’s never a good reason to dodge going to the dentist, especially when sedation dentistry exists. It’s an option that provides patients with a relaxed and stress-free experience that has them feeling no doubts about dental healthcare whatsoever. Keep reading to learn more about four amazing benefits that sedation dentistry has to offer!

#1. Effective Anxiety Relief

Dental anxiety is a common hurdle that prevents individuals from seeking the care they need to ensure their smile is as healthy and bright as possible! Sedation dentistry offers a calming solution, allowing patients to relax and receive treatment without the stress and fear that often accompanies a visit to the dentist’s office. This is also massively beneficial for those with dental phobias or past traumatic experiences.

#2. Pain Management

Sedation dentistry provides quick and effective pain management, ensuring that patients experience minimal discomfort during each and every dental procedure they undergo. From routine cleanings to more extensive treatments like root canals or emergency dental care, sedation allows individuals to undergo dental work without the worry of pain, making the experience much more pleasant.

#3. It Makes the Time Pass Quickly

One of the notable advantages of sedation dentistry is its perceived time-altering effect. For patients under sedation, the perception of time may be altered, making longer procedures feel like a shorter, more manageable experience. This can be especially helpful for complex dental treatments that might otherwise be daunting. Additionally, if a patient is under the influence of sedation, they are far less likely to move around in the treatment chair or do anything else that might slow down their dentist’s work—allowing them to work more quickly and efficiently!  

#4. Reduction in Gag Reflex

A gag reflex is a good thing—it helps your throat expel any intrusive foreign objects that threaten you! However, if a patient is completely aware while their dentist is working inside their mouth, their gag reflex might become a hindrance, causing the patient to spasm. Fortunately, sedation dentistry allows the gag reflex to relax, meaning it won’t pose any problems for either party.

Sedation dentistry has transformed the dental experience for many, offering a pathway to relaxation and comfort while receiving necessary dental care. That said, whether you suffer from dental anxiety or require extensive dental work, it’s certain to make a positive difference.

About the Author

Dr. Richard Carlson received his dental doctorate from the Florida College of Dentistry and is a proud member of numerous professional dental organizations, including the American Dental Association, the Florida Dental Association, and the renowned Academy of General Dentistry. His practice in Jacksonville is thrilled to offer a wide range of preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatment options as well as sedation dentistry. If you have any questions about the blog or you would like to arrange a visit, feel free to contact Dr. Carlson’s team to find the closest office to you.

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